How Long Does A Car Wrap Last?

How Long Does A Car Wrap Last?

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30Sep, 2019
How Long Does A Car Wrap Last?

How Long Does A Car Wrap Last?

A car wrap is a big investment for companies looking to brand their business. A vehicle wrap that includes the company name, logo, tagline and contact info brands the business each day without the monthly cost of traditional advertising. Besides acting as a mobile billboard, vinyl wrap car services protect the original paint job of the car from additional wear or damages for the life of the vehicle wrap. In general, a car wrap can last for up to seven years depending on the type of vinyl used. If you are thinking about using a vinyl wrap car design to promote your business, remember that high-quality wraps last longer than thinner films and serve as a better return on your investment.

How To Make Your Vinyl Wrap Car Last Longer

Follow these tips to make your vinyl wrap car last longer:

  • Don’t go the DIY route and install the vehicle wrap on your own, All cars are not the same and DIY installations have a better chance of bubbles, creases, and wrinkles in the final car wrap.
  • Wash your car on a regular basis to ensure dirt and grime does not eat away at the vinyl wrap car graphics.
  • Limit the amount of exposure the car wrap gets from the sun. If the vehicle wrap is consistently in the sun, the amount of years it lasts will greatly decrease. Park in a garage or the shade whenever possible.

Professional Vehicle Wrap Design, Printing & Installation

Once you decide to invest in a car wrap, make sure to take advantage of the expertise of professional vehicle wrap design services. All cars are not created equally and the type of vinyl, as well as the finish, that gives the best results can vary between vehicles. Schedule a consultation appointment with a professional installation company. They will have a team of experienced designers on staff that know how to create an eye-catching design that brands your business when designing a car wrap. Once the vehicle wrap is approved, they will print and install the vinyl wrap according to your specifications to get you the maximum exposure through your vehicle wrap.

Take the first step in designing a car wrap that lasts for years by contacting our expert design and installation team today.

Call Us for More Information at 314-432-2700


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